ARI has developed and launched a new app that will allow drivers of fleet vehicles to monitor their vehicle’s information even while they are on the road. The company, which is leading global feet services provider has over a million vehicles on the roads in North America, Europe and the UK and the new ARI Driver insights app will make life a lot more convenient for the drivers.
The app is available for iPhones and iPads, and will allow drivers to monitor their vehicle’s information and receive important updates through push notifications.
Tony Candeloro, ARI’s vice president of product development and client information services said that drivers will receive real-time notifications about key events like overdue preventive maintenance, which will hopefully lead them to take action sooner, thus reducing the total cost of ownership of the vehicle and increasing its life on the road. Drivers can use the app to manage their vehicle maintenance and usage, as well as check for any upcoming services, while also inputting details of their monthly business and personal mileage for proper tax reporting.
Current ARI customers can access the app trough the Apple App Store by searching for “ARI driver.” An Android version of the app will be launched by the end of the year.
Once they log in to the app, drivers will see a dashboard of their vehicle, with its description and image, notifications, their driver score, fuel, operating expenses, the last shop they visited, and odometers. When they tap “Notifications,” they can get access to information about their dates for preventive maintenance and other services. The “Last Shop Visited” is linked to Google Maps, so that they can easily get directions. The ARI Driver insights app also includes digital maintenance coupons, and these can be sent directly to the vendor from the app. This feature is linked to map services, so that when the shop is found by the app, the email address is automatically entered and the coupon can be sent with just one tap.
“We designed the ARI Driver insights app to be a convenient and simple way for drivers to stay on top of their vehicle maintenance on the mobile device they carry around with them everywhere they go,” Candeloro said. “When tasks are easier, they’re more likely to be completed. And when it comes to preventive maintenance, that’s of utmost importance to the health of a fleet.”