Recent research commissioned by Volkswagen Middle East reveals that 40% of parents do not fasten their kids safely in the car because their kids do not like being strapped in; 84% of UAE mot... Read more
The world marked Universal Children’s Day on November 20 and this is indeed the right time to think about enhancing the safety of children when traveling. Children are our future, our most p... Read more
Anyone who has struggled with installing a car seat knows that it is not an easy process. It is not rocket science, but even after you have followed all the instructions correctly, you are l... Read more
At the China Toy Expo that was recently held in Shanghai, China, a company named Goodbaby has launched a car seat that can make a significant difference in the safety of a child when travell... Read more
More than 62 per cent of infant deaths in the UAE are caused by some form of accident related to a car. This could include both road accidents and heatstroke deaths. Every summer, we read ne... Read more