German company Brose is the fourth largest family-owned automotive supplier in the world. The company has announced that it has just broken ground for a new factory and R&D center in Serbia. Located in Pancevo, Brose will invest Euros 180 million in the new facility which will serve as a plant for the production of electric motors and drives. The first stage of the construction of the plant is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2021.
The new plant which will sprawl over an area of 220,000 square meters is expected to create 1100 vacancies related to production, development, and administration. These figures are based on a report by the Development Agency of Serbia. During the second stage of construction, the factory will be expanded to make motors for steering systems and oil pumps.
According to Thomas Spangler, Executive Vice President Operations Brose, the company had very ambitious for its operations in Serbia. The company has already allocated EUR 120 million for the first phase of the Pancevo project which will cover 60, 000 square meters and will include the construction of the R&D center and the production line.
He said that the company opted for Pancevo as the site for the factory after carefully considering several locations across Europe, due to the availability of highly qualified staff and the close proximity of Belgrade and Novi Sad. These two cities are university cities and offer potential for recruitment of skilled staff.
By the end of 2020, Brose plans to have 80 employees in electronics and development. According to Spangler, the company will require skilled staff in hardware and software for its research and development department.