Hella has set up an electronics plant in Gujarat in India and opened a lighting technology center in Coimbatore. The plant, which is located in Mehsana, Gujarat will specialize in the production of accelerator pedal sensors for the domestic market in India. The company is planning to produce other automotive components at the plant during its second phase of operation.
Hella is one of the leading producers of automotive lighting and electronics products and is engaged in rapid expansion of development and production footprint in India. In addition to the factory in Gujarat, the company also recently opened an additional development centre for automotive lighting technology in Coimbatore.
Commenting on these developments, Hella CEO Dr. Rolf Breidenbach said that these new moves are meant to increase the company’s presence in what is billed as one of the fastest growing automotive markets in the world so that it can cater to the growing demand for lighting and electronics products while developing custom-made solutions for the Indian market.
Dr. Naveen Gautam, managing director of Hella India, added that the expansion clearly highlights Hella’s commitment to the Indian market and its trust in Indian opportunities. With new trends like e-mobility emerging in the automotive market, Hella is expecting demand for its products and solutions to significantly increase in the Indian market.
The factory in Gujarat would take Hella closer to its key customers in the Indian market, especially in the south and west of the country. These regions have assumed greater significance for the domestic automotive industry.
The Gujarat plant is expected to become operational in early 2019. In the first phase of operation, the plant will have a production surface covering approximately 4,000 square metres and create 100 jobs. Hella will invest about five million euros during the first phase and will add more products in the second phase.
The Coimbatore lighting technology centre that the company opened in mid-2017 will complement the existing lighting development centre for automotive lighting technology in Chennai. The Coimbatore facility will specialize mainly in the development of headlamps, rear combination lamps, lighting modules and lighting electronics. It is expected that the development team at Coimbatore will increase to over 200in the near future.