Toyota has made customer satisfaction a priority and this is reflected in its new Concept-i. One of the main goals of this model is that users enjoy driving the car and it uses AI effectively to assess the driver’s level of enjoyment.
At the CES show in Las Vegas, Toyota set up a simulator to demonstrate what it is like to drive the Concept-i.
Before motorists even enter the car, they have to type in their name, age, gender, and hobbies. The car uses this information to come up routes that you might enjoy taking. It also keeps track of your vitals to check if you are truly enjoying the ride
Inside the cabin, the Concept-I has an AI agent, Yui, who will greet you and give you the options. Yui has the capability to take over the car so that you can avoid obstacles on the road like stray animals. It will adjust the seat to the setting that is most comfortable and even give you a massage while you are in the car.
Throughout the ride, the sensors in the car will monitor the user’s facial expressions and vitals to create a “happiness monitor” that expresses how happy the motorist is at each stage of the trip
The Concept-i is definitely a unique car and with the car, Toyota has given motorists a preview of the “intelligent” cars of the future.