All Alexa needed was a screen, and now you have it. Amazon recently unveiled the Amazon Echo Show, which comes with the capability to play YouTube videos, and display photos, camera feeds and messages on its 7-inch touchscreen. It not only plays media but also responds to voice commands. It is a Wi-Fi enabled home device with dual speakers having Dolby quality sound and eight microphones. In case you need sound of even higher quality, it has Bluetooth so that you can stream the sound to any speaker of your choice. The built-in camera facilitates video chats. The device is powered by an Intel Atom processor and is available in either white or black. The device will be available from June 28, but preorders are currently being taken and the cost is quite reasonable at USD 229.99.
The device is a bit heavy at almost 41 ounces or 1.1 kilos. Hence, it is not being billed as a portable device but as one for home use.
With the Amazon Echo Show, you now have a device you can use to watch YouTube video chats, video chat with friends, see music lyrics, make shopping lists and for a whole lot of other applications. The added advantage is that all this can be done hands-free through the voice commands.