Most of us who live in the UAE have to deal with weight issues. In fact, the obesity rate in the UAE is double the world average, according to a disease study report that was published last year. Obesity paves the way for many lifestyle related illnesses like diabetes and cardiac issues. As we prepare to mark the World Diabetes Day on November 10 and reinforce our resolve to stick to a healthy diet, here are a few methods you can use to cope with your hunger pangs:
- Have a healthy, nutritious breakfast: If your normal breakfast consists of grabbing the latest deal from the nearest fast food outlet, you need to break the habit. Many of us lead such a hectic lifestyle that we miss breakfast altogether. However, this affects our metabolism and we might binge later on in the day.
- Find a way to cope with stress: Many of us indulge in “comfort eating”. Whenever we are stressed, we reach for the nearest packet of chips, finish it all in one go, and then we feel even more upset. Break this cycle. Every time the hunger pangs hit, go for a walk, do a spot of deep breathing and just wait it out. The hunger pangs will pass, eventually.
- Listen to your “gut” feeling: Many of us go by convention and eat three meals a day, with snacks in between. Before you reach for food, check whether you are really hungry. Eat only when you are really hungry. That may mean you may not eat three meals a day. That is perfectly fine.
- Choose the diet that works for you: There are many fad diets around, and a few sensible ones. Choose one that works for you so that you can stick to it over the long term. The GM diet and the cabbage soup diet may all get good results but they may not work for you and they definitely cannot be sustained over the long time. The diet you choose should consist of foods you can eat on a regular basis. You may also have individual health conditions that may restrict your choice of foods. Invest in a session with a qualified dietician so that you make good food choices.
- Make exercise time fun time: Most of our weight issues are the outcome of a sedentary lifestyle. We complain that we do not have time for exercise, but we do have time to watch our favorite TV show. It is a question of finding the time to exercise and making it fun so that it becomes a regular part of life. Pilates, zumba, yoga, running, jogging, there are a number of options that you can choose from. Go for the one that works best for you.
- Have a fitness buddy: A burden shared is a burden halved. Having a fitness buddy who keeps you accountable and cheers you on when you share your successes and failures can play a big role in motivating you to stay on track. Whether it is your spouse, your best friend, your colleague or even your child, having someone on board to keep you on track is wonderful.