It takes all sorts to make the world. There are people who are so outgoing that they are afraid of their own company and always surround themselves with friends and relatives. There are others who are so shy that would rather curl up with a good book than go to a party. The majority of the people we know fall somewhere between these two extremes. There are many occasions in both our business and personal lives when we might need to speak in public, either in front of small or large gatherings. The occasion may be a farewell party for an office colleague, making a presentation at a board meeting or even a press conference where you would have to speak and answer questions in your official capacity. Though you might be a private individual, there is no way you can escape saying a few words on such occasions. In order to make the best impression on others and to gain confidence, here are a few tips you can use to overcome your fear of public speaking:
- It pays to be prepared: Even the most capable orator is caught on the wrong foot if he comes unprepared. The key is to plan ahead and prepare thoroughly. If it is a work related presentation, have your charts and facts at hand for quick reference. Organize all your thoughts and materials so that you can focus on your actual speech. Write out your key points on an index card that you can see easily. Be prepared to answer any questions related to your material.
- There is no substitute for Practice: It is important to practice your speech over and over again so that your flow of thought is not interrupted due to forgetfulness.
- Pay attention to Voice Modulation: Even the most interesting material becomes boring if it is delivered in a monotone. Pay attention to speech patterns and practice speaking clearly and loudly so that your words are easy to understand and you get your point across.
- Start on an Interesting Note: The first impression is the best impression. Make you start your speech on an interesting note with a rhetorical question or a funny anecdote so that you retain the interest of your audience right from the beginning.
- Practice in front of the mirror: You can get over shyness by practicing your speech in front of a mirror many times over while paying attention to your gestures, expressions and your body language. The mirror never lies.
- Get Valuable feedback: Get accurate feedback from an objective person regarding the effectiveness of your speech. This could be a colleague, your brother or a close friend who can be trusted to give you an unbiased opinion.
- Join public speaking groups: There are groups like Toastmasters which you can join to polish your public speaking skills. Joining such groups can also help you come out of your shell and make friends if you are shy.
- Beware of death by Powerpoint: Powerpoint can be effective but presentations that are too wordy can become boring. Restrict the amount of text used. Images and charts are a lot more effective than text.
- Speak Concisely: what matters is not the length of your presentations but its impact. It is important to get your point across in an engaging manner.
- Learn from your mistakes: Every beginner makes mistakes. Learn from your mistakes and move on.