There is no one who does not to want to keep old age at bay. While men might not be as conscious as women when it comes to a few strands of grey, who does not enjoy being told that they look younger than they really are? It is not that difficult to maintain a trim and youthful look. You can easily not just look young, but can have the energy levels and internal health of someone far younger than you if you follow just a few basic guidelines:
- Stay Hydrated: Proper diet and hydration are the first things to go when we are busy multitasking. Yet for those who are busy, these two factors can play a critical role in keeping their energy levels high. Drinking plenty of water keeps your skin clear, aids your digestion and delays the onset of wrinkles, under-eyebags and fine lines. Lack of adequate water leads to dehydration can cause dark circles, dry skin and make your skin age faster.
- Watch What You Eat: Make sure you get your quota of five a day. Fast food binges can sap your energy and clog up your system. What your mama said when you were a child is still true. Eating greens like spinach and broccoli, whether you like them or not will ensure that you get the amount of antioxidants you need to keep your skin clear and healthy and for proper blood circulation. A diet that is high in fruits and vegetables will also help your body to detox. The benefits of lemon water, apple cider vinegar and spices like turmeric are well known. Boost your immunity by increasing your intake of such foods and reduce the quantity of inflammatory foods like sugar and white flour. Banish the bad fats like red meat and animal fats and use more avocado and olive oil.
- Find Effective Ways to Deal with Stress: Those stories of people’s hair going gray overnight are not urban legends. Stress can take a heavy toll when it comes to your appearance. Find a method that suits you to deal with the stress you face on a daily basis and you will find that it has a significant effect on the way you look. Whether it is a stress ball, listening to music yoga, running or meditation, have a go-to technique for busting stress.
- Get Regular Exercise: Obesity is one of the key challenges that come with advancing years. As you age, your metabolism is just not as effective when it comes to burning the food you eat. The right mix of cardio and strength training exercises can help you stay trim and make you look a lot younger. Obesity is also linked to many lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and cardiac disorders. Hence, regular exercise also offers the benefit of making you more healthy and reducing the risk of these diseases.
- Protect Yourself from the Sun: Yes, exposure to the sun is good, in small doses. Sunlight is needed for the production of vitamin D and for our bones to use calcium effectively. But the high temperatures we experience in this region can put us at greater risk of skin cancer and cause our skin to age prematurely. Dermatologists recommend that you protect your skin before you step out with a good sun care lotion having an SPF of 30 or more to block UV rays.
- Grab your Beauty Sleep: In our fast paced lifestyle, sleep is one thing that we think we can confidently do without. While one late night in a few will not have much effect, not getting the recommended 8 hours of sleep on a regular basis can take a heavy toll. It is when you sleep that your body recovers from the previous day and strengthens its immunity to disease. Lack of proper sleep can definitely make you look older and more haggard. Hence, it is vital to ensure that you get your quota of eights hours of sleep a day to stay youthful.