Nokian Tyres has been selected for the prestigious Dow Jones’ DJSI World sustainability index. The tyre manufacturer’s total sustainability score was almost twice as high as the industry average and the company had improved its results significantly this year from the 2016 score. Nokian Tyres’ score of 78 points was just one point less than the best company from the tyre industry on a global basis.
Commenting on this achievement, the company’s President and CEO Hille Korhonen said that its employees had made great efforts to improve Nokian’s performance with regard to all aspects of sustainability. He said that Nokian’s product range comprising safe and eco-friendly tyres and its inclusion in the DJSI World Sustainability index highlights its determination to be a sustainability pioneer in the tyre industry.
Nokian Tyres has worked over a long period of time to ramp up corporate social responsibility regarding its products, the company’s operations and the entire tyre industry. From 2012, the company has published sustainability reports confirming to GRI guidelines. Nokian Tyres’ goals for 2020 with regard to sustainability include cutting CO2 emissions related to production by 20 per cent, considerable reduction in the rolling resistance of the tyres produced by the company and auditing all of its natural rubber processors. The company plans to continue its efforts with regard to all areas of sustainability.
The Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) is prepared by Swiss RobecoSAM and is an annual sustainability assessment of large publicly traded companies. From the viewpoint of investors, this index is a highly valued, comprehensive corporate sustainability assessment. RobecoSAM assesses the sustainability of each company on the basis of social, financial, social and environmental criteria. Thus, the index is an independent assessment by an international company that provides all stakeholders – customers, investors and employees – with a dependable description of how companies perform on the sustainability.
In order to prepare this year’s edition of the index, RobecoSAM invited almost 3,500 of the world’s largest publicly traded companies from 47 countries to participate in the sustainability assessment. Of the companies which participated in the assessment, the top 10 percent were included in the index as the most sustainable companies in the world. Nokian Tyres was only Nordic company thar made it to the index in the Auto Components sector.