The daily commute is no easy task and it is even tougher when you have to lug your laptop along. The Everyman Hideout Commuter Pack is ideal for those who like their things organized and do not want to carry multiple bags for work, travel and everyday needs. Its minimalistic and simple design is highly versatile. The 5-way design is such that you can use the pack as a clutch, briefcase, messenger bag, backpack or as a sling pack, depending on your needs for the day. The pack is highly durable with a tough external lining of 1680 Ballistic Nylon and stainless steel hardware. The interiors have a soft side velcro lining and there are laminated mesh packing cubes for easy organization. There is plenty of room for all your bits and pieces. The Wooltech, TSA approved laptop sleeve can easily accommodate your laptop and chargers. Each pack is built to last and backed by their Design for Life Guarantee. You can definitely hide a lot of stuff in this easy to carry pack.