Scientists in Finland conducted a study which indicated that heavy consumption of meat could increase the risk of dying at an early age. The Finnish team gathered heath and dietary data rela... Read more
We all know the feeling. Every New Year’s Day, we decide that this year is going to be different and develop a plan for exercising regularly and sticking to a clean diet. Then comes temptati... Read more
Most of us enjoy having yogurt on a regular basis but generally, the list of fermented foods we know begins and ends with yoghurt. One of the fitness trends that has emerged in recent years... Read more
Osteoarthritis is a condition in which our joints simply wear out. Damage to the tissue and cartilage is such that the pain caused significantly affects our quality of life. Despite growing... Read more
There is no one who does not to want to keep old age at bay. While men might not be as conscious as women when it comes to a few strands of grey, who does not enjoy being told that they look... Read more
The UAE marked World Heart Day on September 29 and this highlighted the fact that heart disease is a top killer in the UAE, accounting for 37 percent of all deaths in the country. This is a... Read more
In this age of Instagram and selfies, we are all very particular about our face and our appearance. We rarely give a thought to organs like the liver which play a key role in keeping us heal... Read more
Considering that the UAE has one of the highest rates of obesity in the world, many people here attempt to get back on track with fad diets, only to give up soon after. Of those who go on a... Read more
There are many countries in which a pot belly is considered as a symbol of abundance and prosperity. Doctors in the modern era will definitely not agree with this view. They know that viscer... Read more
Ramadan is a time for prayer, fasting and reflection. This is the season when we should fast not just physically but also mentally and take a long, hard look at how we live our lives. Dubai... Read more