An office worker’s desk can represent their personality. Accessorizing your office desk has double benefits: you can neatly organize your space while maximizing your productivity. If you find yourself moving away from your desk so often to locate the stationery or other objects that you use frequently, this is the right time to give your desk a makeover.
The following are some ideal accessories for your desk:
Stationery Storage
Searching for stationery to jot down a few quick points while taking a call, or finding yourself without a paper clip to organize a sheaf of papers can be a mild stressor during the course of the day. Stock up on pens, pencils, notepaper, files, a stapler and paper clips to keep your work organized. Keeping your stationery accessible with a special stationery drawer or pen stand can save you precious minutes during the day.
Cable Management
Working in a wireless office may require you to plug in an Ethernet cable or a power cord for your laptop at some point. Investing in a cable management product such as a cable binder or a cable management box can keep your desk and the floor free of cables that look unsightly and tend to trip you up. Keeping your desk space free of cables is a mood elevator that can even be accomplished by using a binder clip.
Waste Management
Managing waste is always a challenge. Instead of filling up your personal garbage, consider investing in a portable shredder so that your printouts aren’t open to everybody who walks past your desk.
Filing System
Organizing your physical documents and files is one of the most effective ways to boost your productivity. Taking a couple of hours before or after work to streamline your filing system can result in big leaps in efficiency. Designated filing areas or folders for pending and completed work, reminder lists, research and reference materials saves you time in rummaging through a disorganized pile of papers.
Label Printer
A label printer is worth its weight in gold to keep your storage cabinets organized. Appropriate labeling takes the effort out of remembering where files or accessories are located. Beware of over-labeling as labels themselves can cause visual clutter, making your desk look far less organized.
Snacking Accessories
A box of paper towels and disposable plates and cups in your storage cabinet can come in handy when you need to eat a quick snack at your desk. While most offices have a break area, having essential snacking supplies near your desk can greatly speed up that quick lunch or hunger break.
An hour invested in organizing your desk with the right accessories can help you improve your workflow, saving hours each week.