Though the gender divide is becoming narrower in many areas, man and women look for different things when they buy a car. Men generally look for luxury vehicles that can show that they have arrived, that emphasize performance or are really rugged for outdoor pursuits. For women generally, the factors that they consider are different. They are more focused on comfort and convenience, as well as the overall design and style. They prefer vehicles that are smaller and more compact or are roomy enough to cart around the whole family, all the shopping and all child related supplies. Five models that women really love are:
- Volkswagen Beetle: The Volkswagen Beetle that young woman about town loves. It is one of the top picks for a young, single woman just starting out on her career. It has a cute, stylish design, is easy to park and is the perfect accessory for great outfits.
- SmartforTwo: This is another vehicle that is ideal for short runs in the city and is easy to park. It is not only highly fuel-efficient, but is compact and comes with a highly responsive steering a short wheelbase. Cramped urban spaces and congested city traffic are less of a headache with this model.
- Mini Cooper: The MINI Cooper is another model that is the ideal fit for a woman’s sense of style. Its compact design, front-wheel drive and brilliant colors make it one of the top choices for women.
- Toyota Rav4: The Rav4 is a popular and reliable choice that can comfortably seat five people and offers plenty of cargo space. It is powerful enough with a four-cylinder engine and has excellent safety ratings
- Ford Edge SUV: A vehicle that is roomy enough for a family and is powerful enough to handle a wide range of terrain and weathers.